Sahlbergella singularis, the brown cocoa mirid, is the most economically important insect pest of cocoa in West Africa, capable of causing over 70% yield loss. The use of synthetic insecticides over the years has led to serious health and...

Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in earthworms collected from abattoir soilsin Abeokuta, south-western Nigeria

Owagboriaye, F. O., Dedeke, G. A., Ademolu, K. O. and Adebambo, O. A.

Activities in abattoirs and direct release of its waste into the environment are on the increase due to high protein demand in the country; and there is a need for proper assessment of abattoir soil for pollution. This study evaluated bioaccumulat...

Forest degradation and its impact on anuran diversity and abundance in Arun Owun, Sapele, Delta State, Nigeria

Onadeko, A. B.

The effects of vegetation degradation on the abundance and diversity of anuran species were investigated in Arun Owun, Delta State. Combinations of visual encounter survey (VES) and acoustic encounter survey (AES) were conducted to estimate the lo...

Pattern of parasitic infections in anurans from a mangrove community of the Niger Delta, Nigeria

Aisien, M. S. O., Uwagbae, M., Edo-Taiwo, O., Imasuen, A.A. and Ovwah, E.

Helminth parasites of anurans from Ijala Ikeren, a mangrove-contiguous community, in the Niger Delta of Nigeria were
investigated. A total of 76 anurans belonging to 4 families, 5 genera and 9 species were examined and they include

Perceived public health effects of occupational and residential exposure to electronic wastes in Lagos, Nigeria

Alabi, O. A. and Bakare, A. A.

High levels of environmental contamination can occur from e-waste processing, putting workers and residents in surrounding areas at risk as they are likely to be exposed to complex mixtures of unknown toxicity. This study was aimed at assessing th...

Polystoma galamensis (Monogenea): Occurrence and ecological range in Nigeria

Aisien, M. S. O, Ozemoka H. J, Edo-Taiwo O. and Enabulele E. E

Hylarana galamensis collected from three biotopes in Nigeria were investigated for infection with the monogenean Polystoma galamensis. Of the 152 specimens examined, 19 (12.5%) were infected with the parasite. Prevalence in the guinea savannah was...

Paratenic and definitive hosts of Diplopylidium triseriale from a southern Nigeria rainforest biotope

Aisien M. S. O., Agbosua E., Imasuen A. A. and Daniel O. S.

The anuran paratenic and mammalian definitive hosts of Diplopylidium triseriale, a cestode parasite of mammalian carnivores were investigated in a rainforest biotope in Edo State, southern Nigeria. Of the 15 anuran species examined, three, includi...

Cryptosporidium infection among children attending some hospitals in Funtua Local Government Area, Katsina State, Nigeria

Agba A. A, Aken Ova, T. O. and Audu P. A

Four hundred stool samples (76 watery and 324 soft-formed) obtained from children attending three hospitals in Funtua Local Government Area of Katsina State were examined for  Cryptosporidium oocysts.  A structured questionnaire...

Development and appraisal of new biodiversity loss and conservation game (BLACOG) in assessing students’ knowledge, attitude and perception of biodiversity conservation

Aladesida A. A, Dedeke G. A, Onifade E. O, Bamidele J. A and Ekpo U. F.

Educational programmes have for long been used in biodiversity conservation; however introduction of board games in these efforts is a new concept, which is believed, will result in greater achievements. This study developed and used a new educati...

Bird species’ richness, relative abundance and conservation status in protected and unprotected areas of the Hadejia-Nguru Wetlands, north-east Nigeria

Ringim A. S. and Aliyu D.

The role of protected areas is for the long-term conservation of biodiversity. This study investigated the effectiveness of the Hadejia-Nguru Ramsar Wetlands Protected Areas in maintaining bird community. We assessed and compared species’ r...

Morphometric characteristics and condition factor of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (Lacepede, 1803) and Sarotherodon melanotheron (Ruppell, 1852) in the Lagos Lagoon

Emmanuel B. E, Akinniyi O. J. and Inegbedion E. G

One hundred and fifty (150) specimens of Sarotherodon melanotheron and 150 specimens of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus were collected from Better-life Fish Market in Makoko area of Lagos State between June-August 2016 to provide inf...

Effects of water depth on digestive enzymes activities of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) fingerlings

Salisu K. M, Suleiman B. and Abdullahi S. A.

The effects of water depth on the digestive enzymes activities of Clarias gariepinus was investigated. Ten concrete tanks (50x150x100 cm capacity) were used; each tank was filled with water at different experimental water depths (25, 50...

Insecticidal activities of three weed varieties against the Bamboo Powder Post Beetle Dinoderus minutus Fabricius (Coleoptera, Bostrichidae)

Popoola K. O. K, George-Onaho J. A, Alamu O. T. and Ayandokun A. E.

The insecticidal activities of crude ethanol extracts of leaves of three weed species, Siam weed, Chromolaena odorata Linn., Milk weed, Euphorbia heterophylla Linn. and Tree Marigold Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A, Gra...

Estimates of home range sizes of Arvicanthis niloticus Desmarest, 1822 (Muridae) in savannah fields near Kano, Nigeria

Rabiu S. and Rose R. K.

Determination of rodent home range (HR) is invaluable for characterizing population distribution and strategies for accessing food, mate and nest sites, as well as, dispersal into new fields. The present study, in savannah fallow fields near Kano...

Effects of artemether on parasite burden and liver pathology in mice infected with Ibadan isolate of Schistosoma mansoni

Adejoro F. T, Ilo E, Ohore O. G. and Odaibo A. B.

This study aimed at evaluating the pathological features associated with Schistosoma mansoni infection and assessment of the efficacy of artemether in the treatment of intestinal schistosomiasis in laboratory mice. Cercariae harvested fro...

Exposure of albino rats (Rattus norvegicus) to lights of varying wavelengths; effect on haematological profile, plasma electrolytes and weight gain

Dedeke, G. A., Kehinde, F. O., Olatinwo, O. R., Johnson, O. I. Adewale, A. O.

The study investigated the effect of exposure to monochromatic lights (ambient - control, blue, red, yellow, white) on haematology, plasma electrolytes, growth hormone and weight changes in albino rat (Rattus norvegicus). Albino rats were...

Effects of bottom-up and top-down interactions on the productivity of Iyieke Lake, Afikpo North, Ebonyi State, south-east Nigeria

Nwonumara, G. N. and Idumah, O. O.

The bottom-up and top-down interactions of the abiotic and biotic components of Iyieke Lake were studied for eleven months covering a pre-flood, flood and post-flood periods. During the study, some water quality parame...

Parasitic endohelminths of tree frogs from two rainforest habitats in Edo State, Nigeria

Imasuen, A. A., * Ojo, O. O., Adesina, O. O., Enabuele, E. E. and Aisien, M. S. O.

Tree frogs are generally regarded as arboreal frogs and those associated with water during their breeding season as aquatic/arboreal frogs. Obazuwa Wetlands and Ikpako Riparian Habitat are both located in Ovia North Ea...

Length-weight relationship and relative condition factor of Gorean snapper, Lutjanus goreensis (Valenciennes, 1830) in the coastal zone of Lagos, south-west Nigeria

Fakoya, K. A. Anetekhai, M. A. and Saba, A. O.

Snappers are highly recommended as choice seafood and as viable candidate for cage culture in the brackish water and marine environments. However, very limited data exists on biological parameters of the snappers, ...

Anopheles gambiae s.l. insecticide susceptibility status in Umudike, Ikwuano LGA, Abia State, Nigeria

Ekedo, C. M. and Ukpai, O. M.

This study was conducted in order to determine the insecticide susceptibility status of Anopheles gambiae in Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria. Larval and pupal stages of An. gambiae mosquitoes were collec...

Anthropogenic impacts on the composition and population density of migratory and resident birds of selected wetlands sectors in northern Nigeria

Edegbene, A. O.

In recent times, there has been decrease in the number of migratory and resident birds in Hadejia-Nguru Wetlands in Nigeria. This, no doubt, is a subject of concern to conservationist and the country at large. The effe...

Resistance levels of selected rice genotypes to Sitophilus oryzae L. and Rhyzopertha dominica F. infestations

Ajao, S. K., Popoola, K. O., * Mande, S. and Togola, A.

The need to screen new rice genotypes for resistance to stored product insect pests is important to boost production and availability of rice for food security. Therefore, thirteen rice genotypes and varieties included...

Comparison of cranial and body morphology of tree squirrels (Helioscurius rufobranchium) in selected locations of rainforest in Nigeria

Bamidele, A. O. and Akinpelu, A. I.

This study examined the differences in cranial morphology of tree squirrel species (Heliosciurus rufobranchium) from four different locations in rainforest part of Nigeria. Locally fabricated live traps made o...

Histological, microbiological, physicochemical and heavy metals evaluation of effluent from Kara Cow Market, Ogun State, Nigeria in guppy fish (Poecilia reticulata)

Sogbanmu, T. O., * Sosanwo, A. A. and Ugwumba, A. A. A.

The Ogun River is a sink for untreated effluents discharged from the Kara Cow Market, Ogun State. In this study, microbiological, physicochemical and heavy metals evaluation were carried out on effluent from the market...

Low levels of heavy metals in shrimps (Decapoda:  Atyidae) from Omodo River in southern Nigeria

Dirisu, A. R. *

Shrimps remain an important source of proteins worldwide. The contamination of the environments with effluence such as from domestic, healthcare systems, industrial waste discharges and agricultural run-offs; are posin...

Parasitofauna of ground-dwelling anurans from cocoa plantations in Ugboke, Edo State, Nigeria

Edo-Taiwo, O. and Aisien, M. S. O.*

The parasitofauna of ground-dwelling anurans from pesticide-treated cocoa plantations (CP) in Ojo Camp, Ugboke, Edo State of Nigeria were investigated and compared with those recovered from host specimens collected from the village settlement (VS)...

Identification of mealybugs, soft scale insects and their predators in vineyards across the savannah agro-ecological region of Nigeria

Zongoma, A. M., Dangora, D. B., Sétamou, M., Alegbejo, M. D. and Alabi, O. J

Insect-vectored viruses are a major threat to grapevine production but there is a dearth of information on the occurrence and distribution of key grapevine pests in Nigeria. The recent detection of grapevine leafroll associated virus-1 (GLRaV-1)...

Distribution of tsetse flies and its Trypanosoma species infection in Old Oyo National Park, Nigeria

Omonona, A. O., Abioye, S. A., Odeniran, P. O. and Ademola, I. O.

Tsetse fly infestation in national parks is a major health risk to both the wildlife and tourists coming to sub-Saharan Africa. However, information on distribution and diversity of tsetse flies and trypanosome infection rate in Protected Areas li...

Abundance and nesting sites characteristics of red-headed picathartes Picathartes oreas in Cross River State, Nigeria

Abatcha, M. and Odewumi, O. S.

This study assessed the abundance and nesting sites characteristics of red-headed picathartes (Picathartes oreas) in protected and unprotected forest in Cross River State, from August 2016 to January 2017. Data were collected through oral...

Diversity and abundance of cichlids in Ikere Gorge Reservoir, Iseyin, Oyo State, Nigeria

Ajagbe, S. O., Ajagbe, R. O., Ariwoola, O. S., Abdulazeez, F. I., Oyewole, O. O., Ojubolamo, M. T., Olomola, A. O., Oyekan, O. O. and Oke, O. S.

Cichlids are highly abundant and commercially important fish in freshwater ecosystems in Nigeria. This study examined the diversity and abundance of cichlids in Ikere Gorge Reservoir. Four fishing villages were randomly selected from 12 fishing vi...

Population density dynamics of Pachymelania byronensis (Wood, 1828) (Gastropoda: Thiaridae) in the Cross River, Nigeria

King, R. P. and Akpan, B. E.

The ecology of an exploited population of the commercially important molluscan species, Pachymelania byronensis (Wood, 1828) was studied (January-December, 2018) in the lower Cross River, Nigeria, using density [number per hectare (N. ha<.../>

Effects of collection zones and storage on hatchability and survival of feral helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris galleata pallas) eggs

Yusuf, A. A.,3 Jayeola, O. A.,1 Osunsina, I. O. O.,1 and Dedeke, G. A.

The desire to shore up the shortfall in protein supply, the increased awareness of the importance of cholesterol free
animal protein, like guineafowl, and the need to conserve their wild genes, have necessitated studies on improved

Heavy metals concentrations in water, sediment, water hyacinth (Eichhornia
crassipes) and Frillfin Goby (Bathygobius soporator, Cuvier and Valenciennes,
1837) from Ologe Lagoon, Southwest, Nigeria

Ndimele, P. E.* and Owodeinde, F. G.

The level of heavy metals in water, sediment, water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and frillfin goby (Bathygobius soporator) from Ologe Lagoon and its tributaries were monitored because of the importance of the water bodies to t...

Seasonal and spatial occurrence of plankton and environmental variables in
Ogun coastal water on the Bight of Benin

Ojelade O. C.*, Omoniyi, I. T., Abdul, W. O. and Arowosegbe

The influence of environmental variables on the seasonal and spatial distribution of plankton was studied for 24 months between February 2015 and January 2017 in the marine coastal water of Ogun State, Nigeria. The coastline was stratified into th...

Implications of ecological parameters on earthworm diversity and abundance
in southwestern Nigeria

Aladesida, A. A.* and Owa, S. O.

A survey on the diversity and abundance of earthworms in southwestern Nigeria was carried out. Earthworm and soil samples
were collected from thirty different locations within the sub-region. Earthworms were identified and soil samples were a...

Quality assessment of some commercially produced animal feeds and two native forages in southern Nigeria

Onyagbodor, O. P. * and Oyedeji, J. O.

Samples of broiler starter feed, grower mash, broiler finisher feed and layers mash were collected from three commercial feed manufacturers and were coded commercial feed A (CFA), commercial feed B (CFB) and commercial feed C (CFC). The proximate...

Assessment of the incidence of microplastics at Ndibe, Cross River, Nigeria

Nwonumara, G. N. *, Okoro, P. O. and Okogwu, O. I.

The menace of microplastics in the aquatic ecosystems is of increasing concern worldwide mainly due to their impact on the entire ecosystem and human health. In order to contribute to knowledge, the incidence of microplastics in water and fish sam...

Amphibian diversity in urban and peri-urban landscapes of Benin City, a
Southern Nigerian City in the rainforest biotope

Ijie, M. E. , Alari, E. O. , Ogoanah, S. O.* and Aisien, M. S. O.

Benin City, the capital of Edo State of Nigeria has undergone tremendous changes in recent times, especially with the aggressive rate of urbanisation in the last two decades. This has invariably resulted in habitat loss and fragmentation for the a...

Assessment of benthic macroinvertebrate fauna as bio-indicator and physicochemical characteristics in the Gulf of Guinea off western Nigerian shore

Bassey, B. O*., Olapoju, O. A.*, Yakub, A. S., Igbo, J. K., Bello, B. O., Abiodun, O. A., Nosazeogie, E. O., Izge, M. A. and Haruna, A. F.

Benthic macroinvertebrates are helpful bio-indicators providing better understanding of modified and perturbed aquatic ecosystems. This study seeks to determine the ecological status and diversity of the macroinvertebrate community in relation to...

Observations on the feeding activities of the West African Manatee, Trichechus senegalensis Link, 1795 in a semi-wild environment

Egwali, E. C.,* Akpan, A. U., Esenowo, I. K., Nelson, A. U., Chukwu, M. N. and Adeyemi-Ale, O. A.

The presence of the West African manatee, Trichechus senegalensis in a semi-wild holding facility in Little Stream Farm, Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Area, presented an opportunity to study directly, aspects of their biology, which hi...

Bird feathers as a non-invasive method for ecotoxicological monitoring; a rapid review

Adeogun, A. O.*, Chukwuka A. V. , Fadahunsi, A. A., Okali, K. D., Oluwakotanmi, P. G., Ibor, O. R., Emasoga, P. and Egware, T. U.

The decline in animal population with resulting risk of eventual disruption of ecosystem functioning has necessitated moves towards non-invasive sampling methods for ecotoxicological studies. These efforts have focused on developing sampling metho...

Impact of environmental degradation on biodiversity conservation in Nigeria

Mafiana, C. F.*, Jayeola, O. A. and Iduseri, E. O.

Biodiversity is critical for sustainability but it is being increasingly threatened by anthropogenic activities, such as habitats’ degradation through deforestation, unsustainable shifting cultivation and draining of wetlands; as well as ind...

Anthropogenic impact on environmental variables and macroinvertebrates community of River Eme, South -East, Nigeria

Anyanwu, E. D.*, Etusim, P. E. and Umeham, S. N.

Macroinvertebrates are good bioindicators of water quality and ecosystem health and are often used to study anthropogenic effect on aquatic ecosystems. Consequently, some environmental variables and macroinvertebrates of Eme river were studied to...

Hazardous effects of plastic wastes on land biodiversity: A review

Anunobi, T. J.*

Plastic pollution is ubiquitous throughout the world’s ecosystem. Increase in the world’s plastic production and use, inefficient recycling, indiscriminate disposal, synthetic nature and non- biodegradability of plastics have made it a...

Temporal changes in limno-morphometric characteristics in a floodplain lake within Cross River ecosystem during low water period

Nwonumara, G. N.* and Okogwu, O. I.

Iyieke Lake is one of the floodplain lakes within the middle reaches of the Cross River, it is a major foraging and breeding site of several fish species. It is not directly connected to any river, so the water level depends on seasonal inundation...

Acute toxicity of Primextra Gold on freshwater fish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822)

Elebe, F. A *

The need to boost food productivity to meet the demands of the ever-increasing human population necessitates the frequent use of agrochemicals. Primextra Gold containing atrazine (329g/l) and S-metolachlor (400g/l) is commonly used in agriculture...

Population dynamics of the mona monkey, Cercopithecus mona (Schreber, 1774) and anthropogenic threats in selected areas of Lagos State, Nigeria

Olaleru, F. *, Emmanuel, M. M., Agbaosi, J. S., Agidi, H. C. and Tijani, O. F.

The mona monkey (Cercopithecus mona) is the major non-human primate adapted to swamp forests that characterizes Lagos State. It is useful in ecological services as seed disperser and reforestation. Efforts to legally conserve this species have bee...

Biochemical effects of lambdacyhalothrin on activities of some detoxifying
enzymes of Anopheles gambiae life cycle stages

Okoh, F. N. *

Recent decrease in global malaria burden was achieved through vector control interventions with pyrethroid insecticides. This study was carried out to determine the influence of lambdacyhalothrin on the physiology and activities of some detoxifyin...

Comparison of avian species diversity and abundance in relation to habitat
structure: toward using birds as indicators of ecosystem health at zone 8, Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria

Tanko, D *., Okwu, N. S., Kachi, J. B. and Adejoh, B.

Avian species in relation to plant community can be used to determine the health status of the ecosystem. Habitat destruction can lead to extinction of many bird species as well as other plant communities. The study was conducted for three (3) mon...

Assessment of some physical, chemical and biological parameters of Lake
Dangana, Niger State, Nigeria

Adamu, K. M. , Mohammed, Y. M. *, Ibrahim, U. F. , Abdullahi, I. L. and Jimoh, Y. O.

Ecological systems change over time due to anthropogenic and natural activities, regular monitoring is therefore necessary for identifying malignant changes and conservation of biodiversity. This study was undertaken to ascertain the health and bi...

The use of myths and taboos in wildlife conservation: The case of Bayelsa-East Senatorial District of Nigeria

Ihinmikaiye, S. O. *, Ochekwu, E. B.  and Ojo, V. I.

The use of myths and taboos in species conservation represent a sustainable in situ means to wildlife protection. This study examined the role of taboos (traditional laws) in wildlife conservation within Bayelsa-East Senatorial District....

The zooplankton and environmental characteristics of Yardantsi Reservoir,
Gusau, Nigeria

Jabbi, A. M. * and Isah, B.

Zooplankton play an important role in the faunal biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems as they assist in transferring algal energy to higher trophic levels through grazing and also eliminate harmful algae from water. The zooplankton and environmental...

Bacterial assessment of smoke-dried fishes sold at three landing market sites
in Anambra State, Nigeria

Edeh, I. C.*, Nsofor, C. I., Ikechukwu, C. C., Olisa, C. S., Afoemezie, P. I. and ChidubemNwachinemere, N. O.

The study focused on the bacteriological profile of four different smoke-dried fishes Clarias gariepinus (CG),Oreochromis niloticus (ON), Malapterurus electricus (ME), and Citharinus citharus (CC) sold at three...

The physico-chemical variables and phytoplankton of Ufiobodo and Ebonyi
Reservoirs, Ebonyi State, Nigeria

Nwonumara, G. N.* Elebe, F. A. and Nwibo, O. D.

The water quality and phytoplankton of Ufiobodo and Ebonyi River reservoirs were studied for nine months from March to November, 2019 to evaluate the suitability of the reservoirs for domestic water supply and habitat for aquatic organisms. Temper...

Diversity, distribution and abundance of fish species in Lake Asejire, Oyo
State, Nigeria

Ipinmoroti, M. O.* and Iyiola, A. O.

Aquatic systems in Nigeria have suffered stress induced by human activities which alter the natural composition of the water resources. This study investigated the diversity, distribution and abundance of fish species in Lake Asejire. The lake was...

Nutritional and socio-economic analyses of processed catfish (Clarias gariepinus) using three kilns in Lagos State, Nigeria

Ogunbambo, M.M.*, Akapo K.M. and Chetuya O.G.

Smoke-drying is a major way of processing catfish and this prompted the study of nutritional and socio-economic assessment of smoke-dried catfish in Makoko fish market in Lagos State, Nigeria. Standard methods were utilised for the analyses of pro...

Quality assessment of smoke-dried Clarias gariepinus and Chrysichthys
nigrodigitatus stored in two storage facilities

Osibona, A. O.* and Amaechi, C.

The quality of smoke-dried fish can be enhanced by storing the products in good storage facilities. This research was carried out to determine the proximate composition, microbiological quality and sensory properties of smoke-dried Clarias gar...