
Akindele, A. O.

Plastic pollution in Nigeria: A huge research burden for scientists

This editorial discusses the available empirical findings on plastic pollution in Nigeria, particularly in the aquatic environment, and identifies some research gaps to be f...

Effects of collection zones and storage on hatchability and survival of feral helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris galleata pallas) eggs

Yusuf, A. A.,3 Jayeola, O. A.,1 Osunsina, I. O. O.,1 and Dedeke, G. A.

The desire to shore up the shortfall in protein supply, the increased awareness of the importance of cholesterol free
animal protein, like guineafowl, and the need to conserve their wild genes, have necessitated studies on improved

Histopathological alterations in gills, kidney and liver of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings exposed to aqueous leaf extract of Desert Date (Balanites aegyptiaca)

Wakawa, A. I. and Audu, S. B.

One of the many biomarkers for determining the effects of pollutants on fish is changes in organ histopathology. Leaves of Balanites aegyptiaca have been reported to have phytochemicals with fish anaesthetic property. This study sought to...

Parasitic contamination of some fruits and vegetables from major markets in Ede Town, Osun State, south-west Nigeria

L. T. Okunlola

This study determined the prevalence of parasites on some common fruits and vegetables from major markets in Ede Town, Osun State, Nigeria. A total of two hundred and forty six (246) samples of fruits and vegetables were examined by sedimentation...

Population density dynamics of Pachymelania byronensis (Wood, 1828) (Gastropoda: Thiaridae) in the Cross River, Nigeria

King, R. P. and Akpan, B. E.

The ecology of an exploited population of the commercially important molluscan species, Pachymelania byronensis (Wood, 1828) was studied (January-December, 2018) in the lower Cross River, Nigeria, using density [number per hectare (N. ha<.../>

Diversity and abundance of cichlids in Ikere Gorge Reservoir, Iseyin, Oyo State, Nigeria

Ajagbe, S. O., Ajagbe, R. O., Ariwoola, O. S., Abdulazeez, F. I., Oyewole, O. O., Ojubolamo, M. T., Olomola, A. O., Oyekan, O. O. and Oke, O. S.

Cichlids are highly abundant and commercially important fish in freshwater ecosystems in Nigeria. This study examined the diversity and abundance of cichlids in Ikere Gorge Reservoir. Four fishing villages were randomly selected from 12 fishing vi...

Abundance and nesting sites characteristics of red-headed picathartes Picathartes oreas in Cross River State, Nigeria

Abatcha, M. and Odewumi, O. S.

This study assessed the abundance and nesting sites characteristics of red-headed picathartes (Picathartes oreas) in protected and unprotected forest in Cross River State, from August 2016 to January 2017. Data were collected through oral...

Growth performance of broiler chickens based on grasshopper meal inclusions in feed formulation

Amobi, M. I.,* Saleh, A., Okpoko, V. O. and Abdullahi, A. M.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential benefits of substituting dietary fish meal with grasshopper meal on the growth performance of broiler chickens. The study was carried out in a mini-animal house of the Department of Biolog...

Distribution of tsetse flies and its Trypanosoma species infection in Old Oyo National Park, Nigeria

Omonona, A. O., Abioye, S. A., Odeniran, P. O. and Ademola, I. O.

Tsetse fly infestation in national parks is a major health risk to both the wildlife and tourists coming to sub-Saharan Africa. However, information on distribution and diversity of tsetse flies and trypanosome infection rate in Protected Areas li...

Identification of mealybugs, soft scale insects and their predators in vineyards across the savannah agro-ecological region of Nigeria

Zongoma, A. M., Dangora, D. B., Sétamou, M., Alegbejo, M. D. and Alabi, O. J

Insect-vectored viruses are a major threat to grapevine production but there is a dearth of information on the occurrence and distribution of key grapevine pests in Nigeria. The recent detection of grapevine leafroll associated virus-1 (GLRaV-1)...

Prevalence and associated risk factors of malaria infection among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic in Yola North, Adamawa State, Nigeria

Enock, N.,* Pukuma, S. M., Augustine, L. M., Gundiri, L. B., Zamdayu, N. M. and Daniel, J. L.

This study determined the prevalence and associated risk factors of malaria infection among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic in Yola North, Adamawa State, Nigeria, between December 2017 and April 2018. Both direct microscopy and rapid dia...

Parasitofauna of ground-dwelling anurans from cocoa plantations in Ugboke, Edo State, Nigeria

Edo-Taiwo, O. and Aisien, M. S. O.*

The parasitofauna of ground-dwelling anurans from pesticide-treated cocoa plantations (CP) in Ojo Camp, Ugboke, Edo State of Nigeria were investigated and compared with those recovered from host specimens collected from the village settlement (VS)...

Cestode infections of two clariid and two claroteid catfish species in River Galma, Zaria, Nigeria

Ibrahim, Z. A., Aken’Ova, T. and Luka, S. A.

Four catfish (Siluriformes) species comprising two clariids, Heterobranchus bidorsalis (65) and Heterobranchus longifilis (15) and two claroteids, Auchenoglanis occidentalis (31) and Chrysichthys auratus (19) fr...